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Blender boasts a variety of essential features and add-ons for 3D creation. In this course, learn how to better leverage these tools—and work with some features that you may not have heard of yet.
Expert covers a variety of topics, including useful Blender simulations, updates to Blender such as the Principled BSDF shader, and animation techniques.
Tips, Tricks and Techniques
01 - Handy Blender settings and add-ons
02 - PBR workflow for Blender
03 - Light it on fire!
04 - Filmic and HDR in Blender
05 - Quick animation tips and tricks
06 - Camera tracking like a pro
07 - Materials and Multiscatter GGX
08 - Destroy everything with dynamics
09 - Kill fireflies with good render settings
10 - Rig a character with Rigify
11 - Let's make clouds!
12 - Quick compositing tricks
13 - Rig a mouth using Shape Keys
14 - Ignite a fiery tornado
15 - An in-depth eye rig
16 - DupliFaces
17 - Particle armies
18 - Let's make grass
19 - Make it rain
20 - Cloth simulation: Flag
21 - A quick ocean
22 - Dynamic painting
23 - UV like a pro
24 - Camera tricks
25 - Shrink wrap your life
26 - Alembics and offsets
27 - Work with modeling tools
28 - Orphan data
29 - Use the Mesh Edit Tools add-on
30 - Sculpting in Blender
31 - Lattices
32 - 3D printing
33 - New add-ons for Dynamic Sky
34 - Magic UV
35 - Import Images as Planes
36 - Projections in camera
37 - How to data transfer
38 - UV without UVs
39 - Work with the Grease Pencil
40 - Random color nodes
41 - Tile textures
42 - Wood floor textures
43 - Light path nodes for rendering
44 - Emission volumes for quick rendering
45 - Pointiness in cycles
46 - Box mapping in cycles
47 - Save memory in Blender with Remap
48 - Quick mesh cleanup with Dissolve
49 - Undo History
50 - Quick mesh cleanup with Decimate
51 - Forming fog and mist
52 - Create glare streaks
53 - Create rays of light
54 - Useful geometry with Archimesh
55 - Grow ivy or moss on an object
56 - Create a twist effect for columns
57 - Unique selection tools
58 - Bridge edge loops
59 - Take measurements inside of Blender
60 - Extra hidden objects in Blender
61 - Hide geometry with masks
62 - Create cutouts
63 - A better way to fill in a mesh
64 - Create a 3D text object
65 - Clean up renders with denoising
66 - Quick render tests with overrides
67 - Quick Fluid
68 - Simplify AO
69 - Add-ons: Dynamic Context Menu
70 - Python: Quick renaming
71 - Python: Set origin on multiple objects
72 - Animating cameras: Turnaround
73 - Animating cameras: Following objects
74 - Using multiple constraints on one object
75 - Fun with constraints: Elevator and Pivot
76 - Face rigging with Rigify
77 - Quick tree making
78 - Quick strokes in freestyle and line boil
79 - Advanced freestyle lines
80 - Cartoon shading in cycles
81 - Quick animation with functions
82 - Python: Set viewport color
83 - Modeling hair using Curves
84 - Making quick fur
85 - Using the Hair BSDF node
86 - Making fire out of nodes
87 - Combining multiple UV maps
88 - Workflows: Why you should link
89 - Workflows: Rigging with a mesh cage
90 - Workflows: Using NLA Editor
91 - Workflows: Sharing animation
92 - Dealing with a dense scenes, part 1: Groups and layers
93 - Dealing with a dense scenes, part 2: Scene background
94 - Dealing with a dense scenes, part 3: ID mask
95 - Dealing with a dense scenes, part 4: Cryptomattes
96 - Modeling: Quick Bend, Solidify, and Fatten
97 - Rigging: Molding and fixing your rigged character
98 - Dynamically paint different cycle materials
99 - Create and clean a mess with physics
100 - Create and clean a mess with particles
101 - Creating particles along a curve
102 - Modeling: Remeshing with Blender
103 - Modeling: Remeshing with instant meshes
104 - Groups are now collections
105 - Driving animation with the new Drivers tools
106 - Bone Relative for faster rigging
107 - The big jump: Welcome to Blender 2.8
108 - Where is everything in Blender 2.8?!
109 - Cleaner bevel and hardening normals
110 - The new Weighted Normal modifier
111 - Smoothing it out with custom normals
112 - Mesh analysis for 3D printers
113 - Subdividing beautifully
114 - Modeling: Photogrammetry with Meshroom
115 - View layers and masking your objects
116 - One simple trick to rendering faster
117 - Quick viewport renders in Blender 2.8
118 - EEVEE for beginners: Materials
119 - EEVEE for beginners: Light and shadow (no subs)
120 - EEVEE for beginners: Depth of field
121 - EEVEE for beginners: Volumes
122 - EEVEE for beginners: Motion blur
123 - EEVEE for beginners: Toon shading with Shader to RGB
124 - EEVEE for Beginners: Indirection lighting probes
125 - EEVEE for Beginners: Reflections
126 - EEVEE for Beginners: Hair
127 - Blender 2.8 animation: Keying sets
128 - Blender 2.8 animation: Delta transforms
129 - Blender physics 101: Hair dynamics
130 - Blender physics 101: Hair children
131 - Blender physics 101: Hairs and particle instances
132 - Blender physics 101: Soft body dynamics
133 - Blender physics 101: Combining hair and soft body
134 - Blender physics 101: Hi-res smoke
135 - Blender physics 101: Fireballs
136 - Blender physics 101: Smoke and forces
137 - Blender physics 101: Rendering volumes faster
138 - Blender physics 101: Particle smoke
139 - Blender physics 101: Smoke magic
140 - Quick tip: Clipping plane
141 - Intel Open Image Denoise to make images pretty and faster
142 - UI improvements in Blender 2.81 and 2.82
143 - Library Overrides
144 - Let’s make balloons: Cloth simulation with air pressure
145 - Mantaflow: New physically based fluid simulation
146 - Smoke and fire simulations with Mantaflow
147 - Mantaflow guides
148 - Advanced Cycles nodes updates
149 - Blender and UDIM
150 - New sculpting tools in Blender
151 - Remeshing sculpts in Blender
152 - Create levels of detail objects with Multires
153 - Actual sun positions in Blender
154 - Fix self-overlapping transparency
155 - New helpful Blender preferences
156 - Blender 2.83 and virtual reality
157 - Adaptive sampling in Blender 2.83
158 - Wave and noise texture updates in Blender 2.83
159 - Volume rendering speed-up trick
160 - Attach objects with updated Child Of constraint
161 - New sculpting brush: The Cloth brush
162 - Quickly organize sculpture with Face Sets
163 - Simplify Graph Editor keys with Decimate
164 - Projected textures with lights
165 - New Unreal Engine tools for Blender
166 - How OpenVDB improves Blender volumes
167 - Expand UVs automatically with Blender 2.90
168 - New Transform Fill for Grease Pencil
169 - Grease Pencil Vertex Paint tricks
170 - Easy way to manage collections
171 - An incredible update to Sky in Blender 2.90
172 - Unsubdivide High Polygon meshes in Blender 2.90
173 - Modeling updates to Blender 2.90
174 - Preview scenes with Viewport Denoising in Blender
175 - Library overrides updates in Blender 2.90
176 - Use BlenderKit to quickly build out scenes
177 - Updated Physics tab for fluids
178 - The latest in quality-of-life improvements
179 - How to use wetmaps and particles to make snow
180 - Command the high seas with Blender's updated ocean
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