Cinema 4D Weekly (2019-2021)

70 Video Lessons

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About this Course

Looking to add 3D to your professional skill set?

In this course, expert shares tips, techniques, and strategies for boosting your 3D skills with Cinema 4D, the essential tool for motion graphics artists and designers. Learn how to enhance your designs and streamline your overall workflow with these helpful tactics.



Cinema 4D Weekly

  1. Text inflation animations
  2. Intro to Morph deformer
  3. Intro to subsurface scattering in Cinema 4D (C4D)
  4. Subsurface scattering in OctaneRender
  5. Intro to Cinema 4D R20 fields
  6. Intro to R20 volumes
  7. Intro to decay and delay fields in R20
  8. Mesh morphs with fields and volumes
  9. Creating material wipes using fields
  10. Interactive render region for OctaneRender
  11. Viewing the speed graph in C4D
  12. Creating realistic noise-based materials
  13. Follow-through and overlapping animation
  14. Procedural growth animation
  15. Rigging and animating a 3D character in minutes with Mixamo
  16. Easy melt simulations in C4D
  17. Fading objects with effectors
  18. Onion skinning in C4D
  19. Blueprint renders using Sketch and Toon
  20. Baking Mixamo animation into motion clips
  21. Mixing Mixamo animation with motion xlips
  22. Must-know Xpresso
  23. Looping animation applied to effectors
  24. Intro to C4D sculpting tools
  25. Creating glTF files for AR and VR
  26. Intro to IK rigging
  27. Intro to rigging with joints
  28. Using deformers for character animation
  29. Rigging simple objects with FFDs
  30. Animation smears
  31. Cartoon mouth rig using Spline IK
  32. Add watermarks or timecodes to renders
  33. Intro to the Doodle tool
  34. Faster renders using Physical Renderer
  35. Using bendy limbs rig for C4D
  36. Automatic walk cycles using CMotion
  37. Rigging mouth using clusters
  38. Cartoon eyeball rig
  39. Intro to IK dynamics
  40. Worfklow enhancers: selection object
  41. Creating clay renders
  42. Three ways to animate splines
  43. Selecting every other clone or polygon
  44. Blending Mixamo motion capture animation
  45. Using pivot objects and Mixamo motion capture
  46. Model a cartoon hand
  47. Introduction to collision deformer
  48. Using connectors and dynamics
  49. Dynamic connections between objects
  50. Creating a dynamic spring rig
  51. Triggering cloth dynamics
  52. Model faster with Tweak mode
  53. Paint objects onto a surface
  54. Text inflation animations
  55. Intro to Morph deformer
  56. Intro to subsurface scattering in Cinema 4D (C4D)
  57. Subsurface scattering in OctaneRender
  58. Intro to C4D sculpting tools
  59. Making Symmetrical and Radial Polygon Selections
  60. Rendering Caustics in Redshift
  61. Creating an iridescent metal shader in Redshift
  62. Timeline Workflow Tips
  63. Painting worn edges with vertex maps
  64. Speeding up your animation workflow with timeline markers
  65. How to sculpt cloth wrinkles using deformers
  66. How to draw splines on a surface
  67. Real-time cartoon outlines in the viewport
  68. Workflow enhancer: Interaction tag
  69. Tips for fixing jittery dynamics
  70. 5 C4D preferences you absolutely should change

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    Video file format: MP4.

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