SketchUp: Rendering with V-Ray Next

81 Video Lessons

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About this Course

Learn how to use V-Ray directly in SketchUp, and explore the V-Ray suite of creative tools for lighting, shading, and rendering.
Explore features of V-Ray Next, the rendering plugin which offers the power to render designs directly inside SketchUp. Expert walks through the interface of V-Ray Next for SketchUp, then demonstrates basic tools and features.

Expert also shows how to add illumination to scenes using versatile lighting tools, and how to add and work with both artificial and natural-looking light.

In addition, expert covers the V-Ray camera, materials, map types, render elements, effects tools, and more.


Topics include:

  • Setting SketchUp preferences
  • The render engine
  • The V-Ray Frame Buffer
  • Working with light
  • Working with the V-Ray camera
  • V-Ray materials
  • V-Ray map types
  • Image sampling
  • Working with render elements
  • V-Rays FX tools
  • V-Ray scene export and import




00 - Introduction

Rendering with V-Ray in SketchUp

Software versions used in the course

Setting our SketchUp preferences

A word about HDRIs

Gamma handling in V-Ray Next for SketchUp


01 - An Introduction to V-Ray Next

Finding V-Ray tools in the SketchUp UI

The V-Ray for SketchUp toolbar

The lights and objects toolbars

The V-Ray utilities toolbar

The asset editor

V-Ray Frame Buffer overview

V-Ray Frame Buffer history controls

V-Ray Frame Buffer Lens Effects

V-Ray Render Output section options

Working with interactive rendering

The SI and instructor tools


02 - Lighting Up the Place

V-Ray light types: Sunlight

V-Ray light types: Rectangle

V-Ray light types: Sphere

V-Ray light types: Spot

V-Ray light types: IES

V-Ray light types: Omni

V-Ray light types: Dome

V-Ray light types: Mesh

V-Ray light types: Global Illumination, sky light


03 - Bouncing the Light Around

Working with irradiance mapping, part 1

Working with irradiance mapping, part 2

Creating a light cache solution

Using the brute force engine

Rendering animations


04 - Working with the V-Ray Camera

Overview of the physical camera options

A primer on exposure values

A closer look at the exposure controls

Handling perspective correction

Setting up a depth-of-field effect

Working with White Balance controls


05 - An Introduction to V-Ray Materials

Using the materials UI

Introduction to V-Ray materials, part 1

Introduction to V-Ray materials, part 2

Introduction to V-Ray materials, part 3

Introduction to V-Ray materials, part 4

UV Tools

The V-Ray Color Picker

The V-Ray material library

Using .vrmats


06 - It’s a Material World

Creating diffuse surfaces

Adding reflectivity

Creating glass

Colored and frosted glass

Creating a translucency effect

Understanding color controls on the SSS material

Tweaking the SSS effect

A look at the Hair material

Using the Car Paint material


07 - V-Ray Map Types

An Introduction to the V-Ray map selection

V-Ray map types: Bitmap

V-Ray map types: TriPlanar

V-Ray map types: Mix (Operator)

V-Ray map types: Dirt

V-Ray map types: Multi Sub


08 - Quality Control

Image sampling explained

The progressive sampler

The bucket sampler


09 - Working with Render Elements

Render elements explained

Pipeline decisions

Render Elements workflow and setup

Outputting your elements

Compositing your elements

Altering your rendering

Introduction to Cryptomatte


10 - V-Ray FX Tools

Generating a caustic effect

Stereoscopic 3D rendering

VR made easy

Using V-Ray objects: Fur

Using V-Ray objects: Proxies

Using V-Ray objects: The V-Ray clipper

Working with displacement

V-Ray scene import and export

Adding aerial perspective

Environment Fog

The V-Ray mesh viewer

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