Illustrator 2021 Essential Training

& Illustrator 2021 New Features

102 Video Lessons

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About this Course

Get started with Adobe Illustrator, the world's leading illustration and vector drawing application. Learn how to create artwork for print, the web, or use in other applications.

Illustrator can be used to accomplish many different design tasks. For this reason, Illustrator 2021 Essential Training teaches core concepts and techniques that can be applied to any workflow for print, the web, or assets that will find their way into other applications. Expert covers the essentials of Illustrator 2021, including artboards, workspaces, layers, and shapes. Expert discusses vector graphics—paths, strokes, and fills—and shows how to use each of the drawing tools in Illustrator, and demonstrates how to combine and clean up paths, and organize them into groups and layers, also covers text editing, working with color, expressive brush drawing, effects, and much more.
Curious about what Illustrator 2021 has to offer? This course lays out some of the most notable features and enhancements packed into the 2021 desktop and iPad versions of the popular vector graphics software. Instructor goes over the new cloud documents in Adobe Illustrator on the desktop, which make automatic saving, working offline, and version history easier to manage, also discusses several new features on the desktop and covers a few under-the-hood enhancements, then digs into the features on the iPad, highlighting new drawing options, tools that previously existed on the desktop and now have a home in the iPad version of Illustrator, and more




01 - Quick-Start Exercise
Walk-through setup


02 - The Illustrator Environment
The Illustrator workspace
Panning and zooming
Using the Navigator panel


03 - Selection
The Selection tool
The Direct Selection tool
The Lasso tool (NO SUBS)
Automatic selections
Saving selections


04 - Shape and Line Drawing Tools
Drawing basic shapes (NO SUBS)
Drawing polygons and stars (NO SUBS)
Drawing with the Line tools (NO SUBS)
Drawing with the Grid tools


05 - Color
Color models in Illustrator
The Swatches panel
Global swatches
Spot colors
Using tints
Color groups
The Color Guide panel


06 - Strokes
Stroke attributes
Creating dashed and dotted lines
Creating arrowheads (NO SUBS)
Variable-width strokes


07 - Arranging and Ordering
Aligning objects (NO SUBS)
Distributing objects
Aligning points
Changing the stacking order
Using the drawing modes
Using layers
Targeting objects using layers


08 - Groups
Working with groups
The Group Selection tool
Using Isolation Mode


09 - Transforms
Using the specific Transform tools
Using the Free Transform tool
Using Transform Again
The Transform Each command
Transforms as an effect (NO SUBS)


10 - Drawing by Construction
Compound paths and shapes
The Pathfinder panel
The Shape Builder
Live Paint
Clipping masks


11 - Drawing Tools
The Pen tool
The Curvature Pen tool (NO SUBS)
The Pencil tool (NO SUBS)
Drawing with the Eraser tool (NO SUBS)
Improving paths (NO SUBS)


12 - Using Guides and Grids
Using grids and guides (NO SUBS)
Making guides from objects


13 - Gradients
Linear gradients
Radial gradients
Freeform gradients
Gradients on strokes


14 - Patterns
Creating a pattern
Pattern strokes
Transforming patterns


15 - Symbols
Static symbols
Dynamic symbols


16 - Blends, Blending, and Transparency
Using blends
Using blending modes
Using opacity masks


17 - Appearances
The power of appearances
The Appearance panel
Illustrator and Photoshop effects
Editing or removing effects (NO SUBS)
Graphic styles
The Brush tool
The Eyedropper tool


18 - Type
Using point type
Character options
The Touch Type tool
Paragraph options
Using Type On A Path tool
Outlining type


19 - Images in Illustrator
Placing images (NO SUBS)
Embedding images
Cropping images


20 - Pixels to Vectors
Using Image Trace (NO SUBS)
Using Photoshop with Image Trace


21 - Modifying Artwork
Recolor artwork (NO SUBS)
The Puppet Warp tool


22 - Artboards
Working with artboards
Arranging artboards


23 - Output
Packaging Illustrator files
Export as other file types
Asset Export

24- Desktop New Features
Cloud documents
Large canvas
Vertical text alignment
Align to glyph bounds
Snap to glyph bounds
Font height variation
Recolor artwork
Selective unlock
Single-item alignment
Cut, copy, and paste artboards


25 - Desktop under the Hood
Reset Preferences
Various bug fixes


26 - Illustrator on iPad New Features
Draw freely
Blob Brush
Combine shapes
Freeform gradients
Radial and grid repeats

1. Language: English. 

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    Video file format: MP4.

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6. 30 days refund.

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9. This course without a sponsored ads.


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